Trent Tokens
Treasure Chip - 2013 (Gold)
Note: This is no longer valid for treasure draws. It is a collector's item.
Treasure Chips are rewarded for completing an adventure. This token may be exchanged for one randomly drawn token from a treasure generator or possibly redeemed for True Dungeon swag.
Treasure Chips (of any denomination) may only be redeemed in person at official True Dungeon events–they may not be redeemed by mail. Only current-season Treasure Chips may be redeemed.
True Dungeon seasons begin with Gen Con in Autumn and end just before Gen Con the following year. E.g., 2017 Treasure Chips may first be redeemed at Gen Con 2017 and then at other conventions any time before Gen Con 2018.
2009-2011 Treasure Chips were “wooden nickel” style, aka woodies. Chips from 2012 onward are the full-color “chippy” style.
2012-2016 Treasure Chips had “gold” backs. Beginning in 2017, (1x) Treasure Chips have pale-yellow backs.
Text On Token: Redeem for 1 random treasure draw
Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing