Posted on February 04 2023
Guess what folks, it's $8k Auction Time!

Back by popular demand, it's time for another $8k auction! You can check out the Current Auction here. This auction is for a 2023 Super Condensed $8k order. In addition to all of the normal offerings, this auction will also include the limited edition Charm of Biting Patron Token and a Mysterious Small Favor from Grunnel Scroll!
All items are available for auction except the 9 to 10 random Ultra Rare and the chance at a Golden Ticket. The combined reserve total for all listings in this auction is at least $7,500.
All winners will be notified via email when the auction ends. After winning an auction, you'll receive an email with a link to pay for what you have won (you will have 48 hours to pay for your winning bid). You can choose any payment option you wish, and of course as with any Trent Tokens purchase, you'll earn XP and be able to cash in XP to use as Coupon Codes when checking out.
Once the tokens are received from True Dungeon, your order will be shipped just like any other order from Trent Tokens. As always, you may request that your order(s) be held until you're ready for everything to be shipped.
Check out the Auction FAQ if you have any questions, or contact me via the Contact link if you need assistance. Good luck!
NOTE: Once you win an auction, you will have 48 hours after the end of the auction to process your payment. If you do not pay within 48 hours, your winning bid will be cancelled and the next highest bidder will be declared the winner.
Are you interested in a 2023 Golden Ticket? It can be used for either Gen Con or Gamehole Con, it's your choice! The Golden Ticket auction ends on 02/12/23 at 11:59 PM EST. You can bid on the Golden Ticket here. To learn more about how a Golden Ticket works, click here.
As always, feel free to email me with any questions or comments.